Thursday, June 11, 2009

Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart

Hi Everyone! So the blog title is the title of a book I just started reading this week called "Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart - Thirty True Things You Need to Know Now" by Gordan Livingston. So far, I've only read to the fourth chapter, but it is a really interesting book that I think anyone could enjoy! The chapters are very short and to the point. My favorite chapter thus far is titled We are What we Do and it discusses judging others by their actions and not their words. I believe everyone has probably had someone in their lives who says one thing and does another. It reminds you to quit listening to words that people feed you when all their actions show is that they cause chaos in your life. Not only do you need to quit putting faith in people that break their promises to you, but to quit breaking promises to yourself. Happiness isn't the absence of despair, but a state of being in which our lives have meaning, pleasure, and something to look forward to. (Hellllooo Jesus!) Anyway, it's a great book so far and if you get the chance to read it, you should!
Today has been a good day because I actually have the day off! Whew!! I have been getting things done around the house and running a few errands that have been on my to-do list for quite some time. I shipped the box of Ikea hangers that has been in my room since I moved to Santa Monica to Mom. Finally. That's just one of those things that's been nagging at me but I haven't deemed it important enough to actually do. When I woke up this morning and saw that box I said "Today is the day!" It's amazing how accomplished I feel not having that box staring at me every morning and night when I go to my room! Ha! I'm also FINALLY printing pictures off of my computer. I haven't printed any pictures since last year!! I've got quite a few other things I've been getting done today, but I don't want to bore you with that.
I'm still waiting on the camera charger that mom is shipping me to get here so I can put more pictures on my blog! Until then, here is the last picture on my camera before it died. It's of mom and I in Vegas eating at the Grand Luxe right when we got in to town! May my little Sony Carl Zeiss digital camera rest in peace. 

1 comment:

  1. What a good last picture on your camera!

